Here are some photos recapping summer 2015. We had a great summer, and I was very thankful to be home with the kids, as crazy as it was at times!
Leyton took a summer-school art class:
We attended New Richmond's Fun Fest parade:
Fiona enjoyed lots of sweet corn!
Grandma and Grandpa had some new kitties on the farm! Leyton has his favorite grey and white one that he finds every time we go visit:
Fiona got her fist black eye, and it was a doozie!

We went up to Rice Lake to hang out with Jessie and her kids a couple times, and the kids had fun catching tons of frogs! The boys LOVE frogs.
They all have frogs, and Leyton's net is full... I especially love the big toad Ella has!
Luca got a new puppy, Rosie, and boy does Cal love her. He was obsessed with Mischa, so it makes sense he loves Rosie too.
Fiona, excited to celebrate Luca's birthday with another pool party!
The kids love going down to the Nature Trail by our house:
And Willow River, which is always gorgeous.
Leyton loves to climb and explore, and doesn't seem to have any fear!
It rained and rained one day, and our yard was flooded. The kids had a blast with that.
Evelyn was kind enough to share her sucker with Fiona... even though Fiona has her own in her hand. They are so funny together.
Lauren and Leyton opened a Mexican restaurant for us to eat at one day:
It's not summer without ice cream!
Cal is kind enough to give Fiona rides on his tractor still, even though its getting to be a tight squeeze!
Some fun face painting:
These two silly girls again:
We met up with my friend from Target at the MN Zoo this summer:
And Leyton got some use out of his pottery wheel from Aunt Sarah:
Cal tried his hand at it too: