Thursday, February 26, 2009


Happily waiting in the waiting room...

Wait a second, I think I recognize this place...
That wasn't so bad! Check out my cool Clifford Band-aid!

Last week I had to get some shots, which is never fun. However, for the first time ever I didn't cry at all! Mom and dad couldn't believe what a big boy I was!

Play Date

On Tuesday my friend Izzy came over to play with me so her parents could go out by themselves. I showed her all of my toys and we had a blast! Sometimes mom and dad joke that she is my girlfriend, but don't worry Ava, I haven't forgotten you! ;)

Did I pass?

Last Saturday was my last day of swim class. I decided to go down the slide one more time just to make sure I passed the class ;) Dad got it on video, but its sideways and they don't know how to fix it! Sorry, I guess just turn your head to the side...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I can crawl FORWARD!

I've been going backwards, but I decided to crawl forward for mommy and daddy as a Valentine's day present to them today! Mom got some on video, sorry its really dark. It's not my best stuff, but I was getting a little tired :) Hopefully we can get some footage later that's not so dark.

Swimming Lessons!

Doing some pre-swim stretches...
I started swimming lessons on January 17th, my 7 month birthday! It sure is fun. The water is nice and warm and we get to sing songs and play with rubber duckies and watering cans. Today I even got to go down the big slide! It was a little scary but I only cried for a second. Do you see it in the background there? Luckily mom was there waiting for me at the end. Next week is my last class and if I do good I get a certificate I heard!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Please!

I love to eat! I get so excited when mom puts me in the highchair I start banging on the tray and screaming. I have moved on now from just veggies to fruit, and I've even started eating puffs. They are kind of tricky to pick up and get into my mouth but I sure am getting good at it!

Monday, February 9, 2009

So Big!

I am such a big boy now that I had to get a bigger car seat! Grandma and Grandpa McNamara surprised me with this carseat last weekend. They sure spoil me! I love all the extra room I have now. Thanks guys!

Ready to crawl?

So I cant crawl just yet, but a few weeks ago I started getting up on my hands and knees and rocking. Another trick I can do is stick my bottom up in the air really high! It makes mom and dad laugh every time. I think pretty soon I'll take off crawling, but for now scooting on my tummy works just fine :)

Play Time!

Here are a few photos of me playing- my favorite thing to do! I love my shape sorter cookie jar, and just about any other toy too!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just checking in

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been so long since mommy has posted anything, but she wanted to let you know that their camera is broken! She is so sad about it and keeps saying how many cute photo opportunities she has missed lately. Hopefully they will have it fixed soon (although its been kind of nice not to have that thing in my face:)). Anyhow, I will update you on what I've been up to. I have been eating all kinds of veggies, including squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, avocados, peas and I think I get to try carrots tomorrow! Then I heard mom and dad talking something about a banana with my oatmeal? Sounds delicious! I have also gotten good at scooting all over the floor, and at getting up on my hands and knees. But my biggest news to report is that I have two bottom teeth now! I have been working hard at getting those things thru for awhile now- boy was it painful!