Sunday, February 28, 2010
A busy week
Sporting my very first tattoo from Grandma Krumm!

All of us in the pool playing basketball!
Ella saying hello!
Mom says there aren't many things cuter than this picture...
Snack break...
Lauren and I enjoying some of mom's rice crispy bars...
Brody and I tired out from a few too many late nights staying up talking to Aunt Jessie!
Cheering for the Men's USA hockey team against Canada and wearing my hockey "Jersey". That game was heartbreaking. 
This past week we had a lot going on. Dad left for Dallas on Tuesday, and then his flight home got cancelled so he was stuck overnight in Chicago. Meanwhile mom and I were trying to get the house cleaned for our company that was coming! Uncle Dan, Aunt Jessie and Lauren and Ella came to visit us Thursday! Aunt Jessie even picked me up early from daycare Friday, what a treat! I loved having my cousins here, even though sharing all my toys is becoming a challenge... Saturday we met up with our friends Megan and Scott and Maddox and went to a indoor water park. It was a ton of fun- I sure love water! We also did a little shopping at some cool kids stores in Madison afterwards. Thanks for coming to visit everyone!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fun in Florida!
Helping mom and dad pack...
At the airport watching our plane get ready and saying "uh-oh" and "broke" a lot while the guys worked on it...that made mom feel great...
Happy to be in Florida!
Lately my absolute favorite thing is M&M's. I ask for them constantly and always seem to spot some wherever we go! The airport had this cool M&M guy, and then when we got to Florida there was an entire M&M World by our hotel!
The hotel fridge provided lots of entertainment. I spent a lot of time putting all of my favorite things in there- Blankie, ball, fruit cups, sippy and my stuffed animal were usually in there when mom went to open it!
I also liked to play in the tub quite a bit. Here I am shaving my tummy...
We went to Seaworld one day, and it was amazing! We spent the entire day there- open until close!
Sting ray in the ceiling...
Saying hi to the ducks...
Checking out the cool sand play area...
Mom's favorite part...

I loved the whale and dolphin shows! Mom has never seen me sit so still.
Watching the dolphins play...
On our way to Cocoa Beach!
Sunset at the Beach...

Heading out to do some shopping.
Getting my picture with Rafa! (kind of)
Me enjoying some delicious Cold Stone...
and Dad enjoying his Oysters.
Last Thursday me and Mom and Dad went to Orlando Florida, and got back Tuesday night. Dad had to work a couple of the days down there so mom and I decided to go with. We had so much fun, and I even did well on the airplanes- especially considering we sat on the runway in Orlando for 1 1/2 hours! The weather wasn't the warmest, but we stayed busy everyday and tried to jam as much as we could into our 6 days there.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Checking In
Holding Ella- my favorite thing to do! (Notice the cut on my forehead... as if being sick all week wasn't bad enough, I was spinning in circles on Friday and fell and hit my head on Julie's china hutch.)
Hold on tight Lauren!
Snack time...
Brody showing off his cone...
Laughing at a funny caterpillar wind-up toy.
And showing off my new ball that my day care lady Julie got me! 
Last week I got pretty sick and when mom and dad took me to the Doctor it turned out I had strep throat! I got medicine (that I love!) and luckily was better by the weekend. Then over the weekend I got to play with Lauren and Ella while their parents were in Florida. I took Lauren for a few rides on the rocking horse, and gave Ella plenty of kisses! On Saturday we went and saw mom and dads friends Dustin and Anna, who happen to have a little girl who is just a few months older than me. I had a blast playing with Dustin and eating all of Lydia's snacks ;), thanks guys! Then on Monday Brody had to spend the day at the vet getting his eye worked on and getting something else done... I cant remember what its called but it starts with an N... (mom just couldn't bring herself to type that word!) Anyhow, I think he had a rough day, especially when he came home wearing a silly cone around his head! I sure thought it was funny though!
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