Ok, so I know this is really late, but I wanted to say Happy Father's day to everyone! We had a nice relaxing day and then that evening headed over to our friend Bridget and Matt's house. We cooked out, relaxed and then had cake for the Dads and Leyton's birthday. Leyton loved the popcorn bowl they made him (he asks for popcorn every time we go there because they always seem to have it!) and the Elmo DVD. Thanks for the fun time guys!
Leyton relaxing in the hammock...Blowing out his funny candles... they had a one and a pillar candle :)Playing with Grace's doll stroller... after I played with Caleb's cars and legos ;) Using my new popcorn bowl as a helmet...
Leyton had his 2 year checkup June 28th, and everything looked good. Leyton had a pretty big growth spurt too! I'm use to most of his percentages being in the 20-25% range, but this time he weighed 27 lbs which put him in the 40th percentile, and was 35" tall- 65th percentile. His head measured 49cm, 58the percentile. I can't believe this was the last of us taking him in every few months for his well child checkups- we don't go back until he is 3 now!
Leyton helping himself to some water while we waited... something I wont miss!Spinning the chair while we waited for the Dr...And coloring...Leyton and his Doctor! We're really lucky to have such a great Dr.- who just happens to be a big tennis fan too! :)Happy with his sucker after the appointment. Note- the massive scratch on his cheek happened at daycare about an hour before his appointment... he almost never comes home from Julie's with a bump/bruise/scratch, but of course the day he does, its right before the Dr. appointment...
Leyton had his second birthday last week, June 17th, and let me just say I can't believe my baby is 2 years old. The time went so unbelievably fast, it seems like he was just born! Unfortunately Eric had to be out of town for his birthday, but he was back on the 18th, so we just celebrated twice :) Here are some photos of Leyton's big day- or days...
The morning of his birthday... He really wanted to wear his Dino slippers to Julie's house and normally I'd talk him out of it, but since it was his birthday and all I thought I should just go with it :)When I picked him up from Julie's I had this giant Elmo balloon waiting for him... He LOVED it!
It was a really hot afternoon so we headed out to the pool for some water fun before cupcakes.
Leyton helping fill the pool...
Cupcake time! He thought the lit candle was pretty cool.
Dad's home from Phoenix! We did it all over again Friday night...I gave him a couple presents on his actual birthday, and then we did the rest when Eric got back Friday.Leyton checking out his new ride!
Cupcake time again! "Down Brody!"Leyton also got cards from his grandparents to open!
Sweet corn season is upon us and Leyton and I couldn't be happier about it! I bought some last week and it was pretty good. I just love watching Leyton eat it off the cob- he is so intense about it! And, just like last year, he didn't even let me get this one cooked. I was waiting for the water to boil and he was begging for one so I gave in, and he ate the entire thing raw. This kid loves his corn!
This past weekend we went to Chicago. Its the perfect get away since its just under 3 hours from Dodgeville, and there's obviously lots more to do and see there compared to in Dodgeville. Anyhow, we had a great time, besides all the off and on again rain. We stopped at Ikea, and then went to see the house from "Home Alone"... Eric and I both loved this movie growing up (I mean who didn't!?) so when we realized how close it was to where we were we had to go see it. We also did some shopping, some general sight seeing, and then ate at an amazing pizza place. Even though I got sick while we were there eating, the pizza was good enough that I ate it again the next day. :)
Leyton started waving to the cars going by... I've never really seen him do that before!Visiting the "Home Alone" house... and by visiting I mean stopping and taking a photo...Leyton kept an eye on the strangers in the elevator...
A few nights ago Leyton helped me make our new favorite cookies... they're super chocolaty with peanut butter chips. He loved helping, and loved taste testing them as they came out of the oven even more!
Yes, its true, Leyton's going to be a big brother! I am so excited to say that we are expecting another baby this year! (mom is taking over this post by the way :)) I am just over 15 weeks now, and feeling good. Its amazing how quickly you forget how awful you felt for the first 11 weeks or so! We are due on November 25th, Thanksgiving! I'll keep you updated on how things are going, and any info we may have... including if its a boy or a girl hopefully! Eric mentioned not finding out this time around, but I'm not sure I can do it. Maybe we could be one of those couples where one knows and the other doesn't? Not sure I could trust myself not to slip though!
Leyton has been pretty funny about it. We haven't talked about it much, b/c I know how long 25 more weeks seems to me, let alone a 2 year old, but every once in awhile out of the blue he says "mommy baby tummy" and laughs, or grins. Or he will randomly say "baby brother" (pretty sure this is because the 3 year old at daycare just had a baby brother about a month ago- and not that he's actually saying he'd prefer a brother over a sister!). And my favorite thing is whenever we have asked him should we name a baby brother this or a baby sister that, no matter what the name is he tries to repeat it and then goes "Yep" so serious it just kills me. Listening to how the names come out is pretty funny too- some are unrecognizable,and others are actually pretty good! Maybe we should take that as a hint ;). Ok, I think that's all for now, enough of my rambling.