This week at preschool Leyton got to be the "Star Child". This is normally on the child's birthday, but since Leyton has a summer birthday he gets assigned a different date. And since we're moving soon (blog post to follow!) his got moved from February 11th to this past Friday. He was really excited about making the "star child poster" and picking out the treat to bring in. He was a really good helper with the poster! He wanted to make sure a lot of things were covered... swimming, his cousins, the farm, twins, packers, etc. There was definitely a lot of negotiating going on to get that poster done with less than 50 photos on it! For his treat he wanted to bring veggies and dip and apples and kiwi. After talking about it for awhile we decided we should probably bring some crackers for the kids who don't like that stuff. He finally decided he would bring Apples, Kiwi and his favorite crackers Cheez-its. The teacher said the kiwi was a hit!
Here he is with his star child ribbon he got to wear for the day:
And posing with his poster: