Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I figured now was probably a good time to get my Halloween photos up! Sorry I am a month behind, but like usual the days are flying by way too fast.
We had a good Halloween. Eric was gone for work and the kids and I headed out to the relatives and met up with their cousins.
Cal was the Elephant that Leyton was a couple years ago, and it might be my favorite costume ever.
Leyton's first choice this year was Darth Vader but I waited on ordering too soon for fear he'd change his mind... Well his Halloween family fun night costume party was on the 24th and when I went to get it I could not find it in his size. I felt terrible but thankfully he was very excited about his second choice, Captain America.
Fiona as a little Snow White:
Our first stop was Pat and Terri's farm. They always have unique and fun stuff for the kids. Aunt Terri really likes Halloween!
So then we headed to Lindsey's. Let me clarify that the photo below of Cal's absolutely terrified face is actually at Lindsey's neighbors! They go all out, and this year Cal appeared to be the brave one- for a minute. :) He was clueless what we were walking up to, so he ran right up the yard and when he finally looked up and saw a very scary guy with some type of plastic ax, he went ballistic! It was sad and funny to see at the same time! The photo below is actually after he'd calmed down. :)
Lauren and Lucy being the first brave ones to go get the candy:
Lindsey and Breck the frog:
Grace, Lauren and Ella at Grandma Krumm's:
Amy Krumm and Fiona:
Captain America, loving all the sugar:
Wonder Woman and Snow white in their coordinating colors:
Evelyn was an adorable poodle!
This bag of Cheetos kept her entertained a very long time!
The 2 Snow Whites, Lauren and Fiona!
Luca the frog hanging out:
Love these intense smiles:
At G&G McNamara's, attempting a photo of all three, but at this point we were tired and I was lucky to get one looking:
Leyton, Lauren and Lucy (after a costume change ;)) with Grandma:
And Luca and Cal who happened to be in matching pj's with their buddy:
At school that day Leyton's class had a parade I went to. He is the Captain America to the right:
Cal got to dress up for school and take a bus ride over to The Deer field to go trick or treating. This photo was on the class website from his day:
And Fiona wore a Halloween t-shirt to show her Halloween spirit:
Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!