Thursday, May 23, 2013

A trip to the zoo

I took the kids to the MN Zoo a couple weeks ago, on one of the nice warm days.  It was a fun day for the boys, especially since we hadnt been in awhile, but it was a little stressful with having to stop  and feed Fiona, and the kids wanting to keep moving :)  We got lucky getting to see the Tiger walking up and down the hill very close to us, and getting to see a bear playing in the water, which is always fun. 

Stopping for Lunch:
 Cal loved the chickens!
 The baby pigs were adorable as always:
 Fiona's first time in the double stroller...  I bought the car seat adapter but it didn't fit quite right so I decided not to mess with it.  She didn't love the stroller, but I cant really blame her- she looks a little funny with the giant shoulder straps by her face :)
 We spent a lot of time watching the Tiger (I had to drag the boys away):
 Snack break at the end of the day:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy belated Mother's day to all the mom's out there!  
We had a nice day at home, finished with Leyton's baseball practice.  The kids got me just what I wanted- a bird feeder for the new house, and a delicious Caribou coffee :)

One month old!

Here are a few photos of baby Fiona at one month old!

Beautiful Mess

The other day the boys painted some pictures.  It started out innocently enough, with smocks on.  

Pretty soon Cal's smock was off and this is what I had:

Off to the tub for Cal:

Thankfully Leyton didn't follow Cal's lead:

Look a-likes

A couple weeks ago Jessie and Kelly were at our house, and we were standing in the kitchen talking when I noticed they were holding the babies the exact same way.  It was too funny to not get a picture of!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fiona's 2 week check-up

A couple weeks ago Fiona had her 2 week check-up (I cant believe she's a month old already...).  Everything looked good and healthy and she was a happy baby for the doctor.  Here are her 2 week stats and a few photos:
Weight: 7.7lbs, 35th percentile
Height: 21", 75th percentile
Head: 35cm, 50th percentile

 Cal was happy to come along and play with the toys in the Dr.'s office: