A month later seems like a good time to do a post about Easter, right? :)
We had a great Easter this year at Kelly and Dave's house. Its always nice to get together with everyone and see the kids having fun. The Easter egg hunt definitely had more than enough eggs for all of the cousins, so they loved that. Thanks to the guys for finding spots to hide all of those eggs!
It is becoming very difficult to get a photo of all three kids looking:
Fiona loves her brothers!They love when we make them line up for photo after photo before the egg hunt can start... ;)
Running for the eggs:
This was Fiona's first Easter celebration- last year she was born Easter morning!
All 11 grandkids:
Eric and Fiona. This picture looks like he is holding my baby picture...
Grace and Lucy got bunnies from the Easter bunny! Cal was excited to hold and pet them.
Lucy and Fiona having fun:
Grace and Fiona looking cute as ever:
Fiona was very interested in the bunnies!
All of the Grandboys: Tommy, Leyton, Luca and Cal.
Family photo attempt:
So serious and ready for a nap:
You know it was a good day when the baby puts herself to sleep on the hard wood floor:
The day before Easter we got our act together at home and finally dyed the eggs!
Cal loved putting the glitter on:
The bunny was nice enough to bring him his all-time favorite treat- a Ring Pop!
And Leyton got his favorite- Peeps!
Fiona and the ring pop wrapper... wishful thinking.
And wondering how she can crack one of those eggs open for herself ;)
Happy Easter!