At the end of September I went to Nicaragua for work. I was gone from Saturday to Saturday and I was very nervous about leaving the kids. Of course they were fine, and Eric did a good job of getting everyone to and from daycare, and even got to deal with Fiona getting sick at daycare and staying home with her. :)
My days in Nicaragua were jam-packed with visiting factories, but we did take some time a couple days to see the country. It was a great experience!
At the airport saying goodbye. Leyton definitely had the hardest time with me leaving. Eric informed me that after they drove away Cal started bawling and asking if I was ever coming back. I guess the way Leyton was crying sacred him into thinking they were never going to see me again! 

We got to go to an active volcano, which was very cool. They had signs up saying you could only stay by it for 5 minutes, because of the air being hard to breathe. My eyes were watering and burning by the time we left!
This was a lake we ate lunch at one day in-between factory visits. It was beautiful, but we were told that you cant go in it becuase it is so polluted :(
This "tree of life" was all over the city. We would see so many lit up at night driving home from the factories.
We climbed up into the bell tower of this cathedral that overlooked the city. We were so high up, but it was worth it for the view!
Trying my hand sewing a cami at one of the factories... It turned out pretty good, but took me about 100 times longer than the other workers!
After our factory visit on the last day we went to a cigar factory. This is me with their resident
My friend Melissa and I. She was one of the first people I met at work, and we happen to have a mutual friend. She worked with Marie in Colorado, and I worked with her at Lands End. We thought it was perfect when our Coke came and said "Share with Maria" on it. :)
And I was obviously very excited about this!