Enjoying the view... I'm up so high now!
Checking out the back...
A brand new set of keys to suck on....

Hey everyone, check out my new ride! Mom and Dad's car was not running very well so after much debating, we got a new mini van! We have so much more room now. The coolest part is that the seats stow into the floor so mom says when she is taking too long shopping Daddy and I can play in the back! She said she was kidding but I'm not so sure... Anyways, here are a few pictures of me enjoying the new van!
Oh no, you've joined the minivan club!? I don't know if we can be friends anymore--just kidding! :-)
Looks like a great new family vehicle.
Love your new mini Leyton! Can't wait to go for a ride.
Wow Leyton! You're mommy wasn't kidding when she said you got a "pretty sharp" new ride! Can't pass up those stow and go seats!
I bet it's so nice to have extra room in a vehicle! I remember when all of our parents had mini vans. You guys had the pretty green one, right? :)
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