I spent most of my maternity leave getting the house ready to put on the market. It was stressful and exhausting, but also exciting at the same time! Our good friend Andrea who sold us our house, took mom's in motion classes with me, had Izzy 2 weeks before I had Leyton, walked with me all summer to lose the baby weight, lent us storage space, (the list goes on and on) listed our house through Potterton Rule in mid February. We've had a handful of people look but no offers yet.
Onto the reason the house is for sale; Eric got a new job! He will still be working for Lands' End doing sales, but instead of National Sales he will be a Field Sales Rep for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area! Since this is by both of our families we are thrilled and of course nervous and excited all at the same time. Nervous because I have lots to figure out still... such as where I'll work, where we'll live, when I'll move up there, etc. For now the plan is for me to stay here working until the house sells (unless it takes forever to sell- not sure how long I can do the single parent thing while still working full time without going crazy...), and we'll travel back and forth on the weekends. Eric will also be in Dodgeville every few weeks for work at the office so that will be nice. He starts his job up there end of May/early June.
Cal and Leyton are doing great. Leyton is loving this warmer weather we've been having. He gets to ride trikes a lot at Julies, and go for walks. Cal and Caitlyn (born 2 days apart) both got to experience their first outdoor walks this week too, and Cal seems to love sitting in the front of the double stroller in his snowsuit! Another first this week... we had our first sitters for Cal! My cousin Max was nice enough to ask if we wanted him and his girlfriend Maria to come and watch the boys so Eric and I could go out, and we couldn't pass up the offer! Max goes to UW Madison, and Maria was here on Spring Break from UW River Falls. It sounds like both kids did great, and Leyton was really attached to Max! Tonight when I picked him up from daycare I was telling him how we were going to make popcorn and play and watch Wisconsin play tonight and he said "who's going to play with me?" And I said mommy and daddy, and he said "no! who's COMING to play with me?!" And I laughed and said "do you mean Max and Maria?" and he got a huge grin and said "yeah, I want max and Maria!" Sorry guys, this may need to become a regular thing... for Leyton's sake, I swear ;).
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