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Sunday, September 11, 2011
9 month & 3 year Check-ups
Last week Cal had his 9 mo check up and Leyton had his 3 year check up (just a couple months late...). Cal was smiley and happy for the Dr., and seemed to like getting checked over by him. Everything looked good on both of the boys so thats always good. I was a little surprised that Cal has thinned out, and Leyton has grown quite a bit! Leyton is done with shots for awhile, so didnt have to get any, but thought it was neat to see Cal get them for the first time (usually he isnt with at Cal's appointments), although he did say he felt bad for him a few times too... Below are their latest stats:
Cal's 9month Stats: Height: 50% Weight: 20.4lbs, 38% Head: 75% Leyton's 3 year Stats: (plus a few months...) Height: 82% Weight: 75% Hanging out waiting patiently for the shots. Poor Cal was once again happy and smiling at the nurse, and then suddenly screaming bloody murder!
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