On November 19th Cal turned 1! Of course I'm shocked that my little baby is already one, even though he's getting so big! About 2 weeks or so before his birthday he started walking a bit. Hes getting pretty good when he wants to do it, but generally still crawls most of the time. He takes about 4-5 steps at a time and sometimes more. He usually walks the most when no one's telling him to or looking and we'll catch him walking across the entire living room out of the corner of our eye! This post is called birthday week because my birthday was on Tuesday the 15th, Eric's was Thursday the 17th, and Cal's Saturday the 19th! And that's just my family- not including Grandpa Bostow's on the 6th, Uncle Dave's on the 16th, and Jessie's on the 19th (same as Cal's!). Here's a lot of photos from our birthday week:
Aunt Sarah had to be gone for work over our birthdays so she made us our cake early. It was pretty and delicious! We celebrated with this cake on Monday, which also happened to be the Packer/Viking game...

Cal dug right in and I was not surprised that he loved the cake and frosting!
This seemed sort of mean to do for his birthday (since we all know how the game turned out....) but Eric couldn't resist putting Cal in a vikings jersey (its actually for Sarah's cat, but happened to be Cal's size!). I made sure to take it off right away so we wouldn't jinx anything for the Packers!
For Eric's birthday Leyton and I made his favorite cupcakes. Leyton got to frost and decorate his own and i was amazed at how well he did frosting it!

On the 17th Grandma Bostow came over and we celebrated all of our birthdays and went out to eat.
Opening presents from Grandma Bostow:
Cal was pretty good at opening his presents!

On Saturday we headed to New Richmond. This is Cal on the morning of his birthday with the cool cat toy Aunt Tina and Susie brought him!
Such a big boy!
The brothers raiding grandma's game/craft cabinet:
Cal wished there were real cupcakes in these play cup-cake liners...
Cal taking a morning birthday snooze at coffee at Grandma Krumm's house:
When we got to Grandma McNamara's she had this cool rocket toy for Cal that all of the kids loved!
Cal and his buddy Grace:
The two birthday kids on their birthday! Cal and Aunt Jessie:
The cake is kind of a funny story... I called it in the morning of his birthday because we weren't having an actual party (Tina and Susie were headed out of town for thanksgiving and Jessie and Dan were headed out to celebrate her birthday) but I decided I should still get a cake. So the options were very limited and it was Deer hunting opener... They told me over the phone that they had a cow that said "Holy cow another Birthday!" which wouldn't work b/c he was only turning one... or a deer one. I asked if it was really "hunting looking" and they said no, it just had a deer head on it and some trees. So I am picturing a cute cartoon-ish looking gel frosting deer head and some trees... I just about died when i went to pick it up! I wanted to ask for the cow so bad instead! Oh well, it still tasted good anyways, and made us laugh!
Cal couldn't wait any longer to get a taste of the cake...
Cal opted for a cupcake instead of ice cream cake, although he did get a little of that too :)

All gone!
Opening some presents that night from mom and dad:

Happy birthday everyone!