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Monday, November 28, 2011
Kelly Park and a life update
Leyton loved these really steep slides the best:Cal is still not a fan of swinging- no matter how slow I push him... I think he has a really weak stomach!He is obsessed however with trying to climb up everything, like the slides and any steps he can find... This day he made it all the way up these 2 sets of steps by himself: (ignore my pink striped mittens on him- they stay on much better than the baby ones!)I need to back up a little in my blog posts... Here's a brief life update that I should have posted about a month ago. My last day at Lands' End as a Technical Designer was October 28th. As stressful as my job was a times, it was still really hard to leave! It was my first and only job after graduating college, and I worked in my department for over 5 1/2 years. Over that long of a time you develop a lot of really great friendships and saying goodbye was hard! Also, saying goodbye to Julie and the LE back-up center was very hard, as they were the boys' only daycare. Julie was amazing with them and I know Leyton misses her and his daycare buddies a lot. On Sunday Nov. 20th we headed back to Dodgeville because Eric had a work business review on Monday so we were able to visit Julie and his friends for the day. When we were there we also had Cal's one year Dr. check-up (post to follow... hopefully soon!). Anyhow, the weekend of Oct. 28th we packed up a lot of the house and moved to Apple Valley. So far the transition has gone well and I love being home with the boys. These photos are from Kelly Park which is very close to the house in AV. Leyton loves this park and also thinks it's pretty funny since we have an Aunt named Kelly :). We've also gotten to take advantage of the Eastview HS tennis courts a couple times too that are just ascros the street. Poor Cal just sits in the stroller and watches, but Leyton and I have a blast!
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