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Friday, February 3, 2012
With this unbelievable weather we've been having the kids and I have been lucky enough to get quite a bit of outdoor time in. It is a little sad to not have much snow for sledding and playing, and Leyton keeps asking when there will be more, but for now I'm enjoying the convenience of hardly any snow. I am sure it will be here soon enough! This week it was even warm enough for us to venture out to the park again. Here are a few photos from the last couple weeks. Notice some weeks there is no snow, some weeks there is a little! I think Cal looks so old in this picture strolling along...Football time! Cal tries so hard to keep up with Leyton...We dug the hoop back out of the garage the other week and Leyton was pretty excited to shoot some hoops again!Cal waiting for a sled ride:Playing with the airplane:And doing a little grocery shopping:Grocery shopping and soccer:Wishing I would pull them standing up....Finally some snow!Eric and Leyton built this cave one night:Cal was not amused when I first put him in the sled with Leyton, but as soon as we started going down the hills he stopped crying. He may have just been scared, but he didn't seem to mind it!
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