Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter Activities

We had a busy Easter!  But before I get to Easter itself, I thought I'd share some photos of the boys with the Easter bunny and dying Easter eggs.  At Leyton's school they have an Easter celebration the weekend before Easter.  They have it every year, and we've gone the last few years.  They have crafts, an egg hunt and photos with the bunny.  This was the first year that it all had to be indoors though :(  Anyhow, it was busy and fun.  Later that week we dyed Easter eggs, and Cal was old enough to really get into it this year which was fun.

The boys with the Bunny.  Cal wasn't sure what to think.  He didn't seem scared, but also wasn't going to smile!
 We eventually got a little grin out of Cal:

 They always have a small petting zoo, and since it had to be inside the gym this year we were surprised to see the animals there! 
 We loved this cute furry guy!

 Cal enjoyed pick-a-duck:
 Leyton pinned the tail on the bunny:
 He made some pretty bunny ears:
 And Cal tried his hardest to tear into some of his egg hunt goodies:

 Cal being silly with his Easter eggs :)
 Back at home dying Easter eggs.  We dyed a lot of eggs and still wished we had more!

 I apologize for Leyton's lack of a shirt, but anyone that knows him knows this is normal for him :)

 Cal loved shaking the tie-dye ones in the baggies:

 Eric got creative with the extra egg dye in the snow :)

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