Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Coach Pitch Baseball

Leyton has been a busy boy the last few weeks.  He graduated from preschool, started his first year in Coach Pitch baseball, learned to ride his bike without training wheels, turned FIVE(!) and has basketball camp this week!  Coach pitch is K-2nd grade, so he is definitely the smallest on his team (the Cardinals), and he's really shy out there, but he says he likes it and cant wait for game days to come.  Here are a few photos from his game against the Marlins last week!  

Up to bat:
 Heading home!
 This was the one and only time so far he has made it home, so he was pretty excited!

Playing pitcher: (which really just means you stand by the coach that is pitching :))
 Shaking hands after the big game:
 Luckily this is what Fiona has done every game and practice so far:
 Cal likes to snack and run around during the games.  Here he is giving his best- actually I have no idea what that face is!

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