On September 30th (or October 1st?) Fiona turned 6 months old. She is a happy girl who loves her food, grabs and plays with toys, and can sit up unsupported. She also loves to squeal, babble and blow bubbles. They still say at daycare that she is an easy baby and is never fussy. She drinks a lot more milk than the boys ever did, so that may have something to do with it :).
Here are a few photos of her on her 6 month birthday:
She was ready to be done with photos, but I still tried to get one with the boys. Cal did not want to once he saw her screaming! Leyton was a good sport though.

Ok, really time to be done now...
These pictures are from her 6 month check-up. She was happy for the doctor and everything looked good!
Here are her 6 month stats:
Height: 27", 85%
Weight: 16.5 lbs, 50%
Head: 42cm, 50%
She got one shot at the end and didn't even get out one cry. Her eyes started to water and I thought she was going to cry, but never did, which made it easier on me!
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