Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Random photo update

He are some random photos from the last few months, since I've been terrible about blogging-
and apparently terrible about taking photos!  I cant believe this is my only photo from Thanksgiving, seems so not like me!  I'm convinced I must have took some more on Jessie's camera or something ;).

Evelyn and Fiona at Kelly's house for Thanksgiving with the Krumm's:
One of our first snowfalls.  The boys couldn't wait to get outside and play!

Cal got this monster robe for his birthday and he loves it!
Making Christmas cookies one weekend:

Fiona (looking so old with her front teeth now) after bath time one night:
An attempt to get a photo of the kids in front of the tree:
Fiona was amazed by the tree, but luckily it wasn't a problem.  She would crawl over to it, and pull on this one particular teddy bear ornament (that was mine from when I was a kid from Grandma Krumm), but then she would move on.  I was really worried I was going to have to put a gate around the tree to keep her from pulling it over!

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