Fiona is 11 months old already! These photos are getting harder to take every month now that she is mobile and doesn't like to sit still. She also really loves to clap!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Fiona's 11 month Photos
Fiona is 11 months old already! These photos are getting harder to take every month now that she is mobile and doesn't like to sit still. She also really loves to clap!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Random photo update
The quality of these photos isn't the greatest, but here is what we've been up to the last few weeks!
Fiona got a rare day with her mom and dad alone! Leyton begged to go with Grace and Lucy after coffee at Grandma Krumm's one Saturday, and Cal cried to go to with my mom to the farm, so Eric and I ran errands in Hudson. You forgot how amazing running errands with one kid is! We treated her to noodles and co, for being such a good shopper :)
Cal and Fiona are getting to be pretty funny together! He says how much he loves her a lot, and will ask if she can come on his bed with him, or play in his room with him. And when she sees the boys now she gets so excited. She will smile and laugh at pretty much anything they do. I've even heard her try to say Cal a few times! She does however love destroying the puzzles they're working on, so they get pretty upset then and tell her to go away, which breaks my heart! No matter what else I try to occupy her with she dives right back for those puzzles pieces! Here she is eyeing up her brothers beloved bobcat:
We celebrated Lauren's birthday a couple weeks ago, and it was a nice day for the kids to get outside and play! Happy Birthday Lauren!

I got this bulb from my mom for Christmas and the kids loved seeing it grow. The flowers got huge! Here they are showing you that the flower is "as big as my head".
Last week Leyton was "Star of the Week" at school. Here he is with his poster that he colored and picked out pictures for. We don't have a pet, so we debated what to do for that section. I suggested a cow from the farm, to which he said "cows aren't pets", then I suggested grandma's dog Charlie, to which he said "but that's not my pet". Finally I said what if we put a picture of all your cousins and write "I don't have a pet, but I have a lot of cousins I like to play with" (OK, I know it was a stretch...), to which he said "that doesn't even make sense!" He finally decided he wanted to put a picture of Brody on it and that he would tell his class that we had to find Brody a new home.

I got a new mop a few weeks ago and for some reason the kids were SO excited to use it. Cal begged every night to mop the floors. When the weekend came we finally used it, and they were both so excited to wash the floors and take turns using the mop... I hope their floor scrubbing enthusiasm continues! :)
Aunt Kelly was nice enough to shovel off the trampoline and Cal was the first one on! He has been talking about the trampoline for months. We never got it down this year for the first time ever, and I was really worried when I saw how low it was sagging down. Luckily it came right back to life!
The kids hanging out on one of the many giant snow piles...

I made them pose for a few pictures for me:

Cal and one of his favorite tractors. He has many favorites, but the ones with the "big big huge buckets" top the list.

The two tractor obsessed buddies. They could not be happier!

I'm not sure if this kids smiles will ever calm down ;)

Cal fell off the swing at daycare last week onto the hard snow and scraped his chin the whole way down. Good thing he is a tough kid!

Leyton made the newspaper! I was about to throw our NR news when I saw an article about the Little Dribblers. Leyton is in the bottom right with the black Adidas pants on:

Fiona had this dress on the other day and Leyton went and grabbed Peyton the doll and said "Look, they match!"

Fiona loves the boys toys, especially there magnet ones. The other day we were at my mom's and there were dolls on the floor and monster trucks and she went for the monster truck, to which Kelly said "Oh Fi, you've got dolls here and you go for the monster trucks? You've been around boys too long..." :)
And here she is looking so old!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Children's Museum
Last weekend we went to the children's museum in St. Paul. The boys love it there, and Fiona even had a fun time crawling around and watching everything. It was a nice way to pass another freezing cold day here!
Cal loves the water area of the museum.
They got their faces painted like tigers:
Climbing a hill in the new dinosaur area:
They loved seeing all of the dinosaurs:
This little guy was Cal's favorite. We could not get him away from him. For some reason when he jumped on him he kept saying "let's go up to the field buddy! should we go to the field?" It was pretty funny.
Looking for dinosaur bones:
Cal loves driving the bus/tractor/truck- it happens to be that day!
Making paper is always a favorite stop:Friday, March 7, 2014
Goofy Guys!
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