Friday, March 7, 2014

Fiona & Cal

Here are a few photos from the last couple weeks.  Cal seems more interested in Fiona now that she is mobile.  He thinks a lot of what she does is funny, and he loves when she "talks" to him and laughs at him.  He thinks it is particularly funny when she sees a blanket on the floor and immediately crawls over to it and lays her head down on it, and then laughs.  She is getting to be a pretty goofy girl!

This is Cal's funny face...  He does it often, whether he's scared, or shrugging his shoulders to saying I don't know, or just trying to make Eric and I laugh. 
He still loves feeding Fiona.  This night I came in the kitchen and he had opened an applesauce for himself, grabbed one of Fiona's baby spoons, and was giving her a bite then taking a bite for himself. They shared the whole cup this way, which was pretty sweet, even if germ-filled :)

Cal loves his aqua doodle mat, and Fiona usually tries to get in on whatever he's doing.  

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