Monday, September 28, 2015

Baseball Season

Leyton played coach pitch baseball this year, and he was on the Angels.  Its fun to see how much  better the kids are getting, and how they are starting to understand the game.

Here is Leyton practicing before a game:
 And throwing:
 At the end of the season, excited about his trophy!
 Cal was a good sport and tagged along to practices and games all season!

Leyton's 7th Birthday!

On June 17th Leyton turned 7!  He is really into sports, art and anything craft related.  Soccer is currently his favorite sport and he loves hanging out with his cousins!
Happy Birthday, Leyton! I cannot believe you are already 7!

He had his party at Aunt Kelly's, and we got to go swimming.

Tommy, Maggie, Lucy, Leyton, Ella, Lauren, Evelyn, Luca, Grace, Fiona and Cal!

 Opening presents:

 Cal going down the slide... his favorite thing to do!

 Lucy and Fiona, breaking for a snack:

Leyton taking his turn at the basketball pinata:

On his actual birthday he wanted his favorite bars:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Last Day of Kindergarten

June 4th Leyton had his last day of Kindergarten.  He was excited for summer, but said he was sad about not having school anymore.  The last day of school happened to also be Grace and Lucy's dance recital, so we went to that that night, and Lauren was here waiting for him when he got off the bus!

 And a photo from the first day of kindergarten:

 These two are so goofy together:

 Great job in the recital, Grace and Lucy!

May Review

In May we spent a lot of time outside, excited for the nice weather that was finally here!  Leyton started baseball, and the end of the school year was winding down. Here are some photos of what we were up to in May.

We went to Lake Nakomis, which is always beautiful and fun to walk around.

 The kids spotted a turtle in the lake:

 Cal had preschool prom, which was pretty darn cute.  Here he is with his partner for the Grand March ;)
 And dancing with mom:

 Cal and Fiona keep me busy while Leyton is at school...

 Fiona loves Grandma's dog Charlie!

 We found a baby turtle at our house one afternoon:

 These two play so well together when it's just the two of them.

Leyton started soccer, which he says is his favorite sport.  He is obsessed lately!
 Another obsession... the Rubiks cube. He got one this spring and worked on it constantly.  I could not believe it when he finally solved it.  He was SO happy.  He likes to impresses his cousins by asking them what color they want and he turns one side that color in seconds.  He also will ask me to pick two colors and puts a letter from my name on it, like "red background, blue R".  I am always impressed since I don't understand it at all!

 Fiona has gotten really girly!  She will randomly put on a tutu over whatever she is wearing!

And Cal has started combing his own hair! ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Duluth Trip

In May we took a little overnight trip to Duluth.  It's beautiful there, and the perfect distance away.  The kids had so much fun exploring and the weather was great!

 Cal at Gooseberry Falls:

 Leyton is my explorer, constantly climbing and checking everything out.

 Fiona striking her modeling pose ;)

Sand everywhere.

Fiona got her first big donut and was so happy about it.  She also made a giant mess with it :)

Farmer Cal

Cal is more obsessed with being at the farm than ever.  He absolutely loves being there and talks about it constantly.  Now when he goes there he knows just what to do and stays busy the whole time.   Last Friday he got to go for the afternoon so he was happy about that.  I called around 3:00 to see if I should come get him and Cal said "No!".   So I said I would come get him after Leyton's halftime performance of the boys varsity football game that night and when I called then my mom said "He said he's staying overnight".  He didn't have his beloved moose or blankie, but didn't care at all!  He was just happy to be at the farm.  When I finally got him the next day around 3:00 he still wasn't ready to leave the farm.  He also helped deliver his first calf with Grandpa, and was so proud! Here are a few photos from this spring at the farm.