Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Farmer Cal

Cal is more obsessed with being at the farm than ever.  He absolutely loves being there and talks about it constantly.  Now when he goes there he knows just what to do and stays busy the whole time.   Last Friday he got to go for the afternoon so he was happy about that.  I called around 3:00 to see if I should come get him and Cal said "No!".   So I said I would come get him after Leyton's halftime performance of the boys varsity football game that night and when I called then my mom said "He said he's staying overnight".  He didn't have his beloved moose or blankie, but didn't care at all!  He was just happy to be at the farm.  When I finally got him the next day around 3:00 he still wasn't ready to leave the farm.  He also helped deliver his first calf with Grandpa, and was so proud! Here are a few photos from this spring at the farm. 

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