We had a great Christmas this year and are so thankful for all of our family and friends! It was a lot of fun counting down the days to Christmas with a four year old, who seems to now understand what "2 more days" actually means. He was a good helper wrapping presents and called himself an Elf when he would run the wrapped presents upstairs to put under the tree. And Cal did great not tearing them all open, which I was certain he would. We had a lot of Christmas celebrations to go to, and I cant believe how fast it always goes. It was over in a blink and now we're back into our normal routines.
We started out the Christmas season with Christmas with the Krumm's, at Grandma Krumm's house on the 22nd. We enjoyed good food and it was great seeing everyone.
Leyton, Lucy, Lauren, Ella and Grace looking cute snuggled on the couch:
Cal was obsessed with Grandma's air hockey table! It is pretty fun :)
Aunt Kelly had Christmas Bingo for the great-grandkids to play and then pick out a gift:
Aunt Jessie made cut-out sugar cookies for the kids to decorate, which kept them busy and entertained for quite awhile:
Leyton loved doing them, and made sure to save some special ones for Santa:
Cal and Grace being silly:
We had a family "tree" decorating contest. Each family had to pick a person to decorate. They all looked great and it was a lot of fun! Here are Kelly, Max, Jed, Cory and Bob as the family representatives:
Breck, Lindsey and Cal. Cal is obsessed with Breck and asks where "Baby Beck" is constantly.
Some of the adults enjoying a game of Mexican Train Dominoes. I've never played but Dave has Eric hooked!
Cal was excited about his coloring book and crayons:
Christmas Eve we headed to Dave and Kelly's house for our Christmas with the McNamara's. We enjoyed great Mexican food and even a visit from Santa! Thanks for hosting Kelly and Dave!
The kids were really surprised when Santa arrived. Leyton was nervous, and his name was the first one called to get a present, and I could tell he was really excited but really scared!
Cal was even more scared... he hid in the corner by the door, far away the whole time. When it was finally his turn it was hard to get him up there.
Still not sure about Santa but also not crying, and happy to have a gift like the others I'm guessing:
All The kids, minus Liam and Rory. Liam and Rory were having similar feelings to Cal!
Happy to get a microphone and candy cane from Santa:

The kids were so cute looking for Santa flying away. They ran for the windows as soon as he went out the door:
Jessie, Mom, Kelly and Me posing for a picture. Tina, Susie, Maggie and Tommy were in Missouri for Christmas.
Dan, Wayne, Eric and Dave having fun playing Mexican Train Dominoes again:
The kids in their pj's, wound up:
And the baby bumps. I was 25 weeks here, and Jessie 33. She's due mid-February and I'm due the 8th of April.
Cal spent most of the night sleeping on Kelly and Dave's bed. Poor guy woke up with a terrible cough Christmas Eve morning, and spent the rest of his Christmas celebrations not feeling great. Here we are ready to go home and get to bed so Santa can come. We are very thankful for our quick 20 minute drive now!
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