The weeks leading up to Christmas are always a busy and fun time. It seems even more busy now that the boys are getting older and Leyton goes to preschool. Here is a recap of what we were up to before Christmas.
In early December we got our first big snowfall and the boys couldn't wait to get out and play in it!

Cal helping dad with his broom:
He came in covered in snow and tired:
Leyton had his first preschool Christmas program! It was so fun to see him singing songs he learned at school. Once in awhile at home I'd catch him singing them but whenever I asked about it he'd stop and say he wasn't suppose to sing them around me because it was a surprise. Here he is in the back row on the end:
In the rest of the pictures he is in the front, blue sweater on. It was so fun to see him doing the hand motions with all the songs too! Such a big boy!
Cal had an obsession with sawing down our tree... He spent many days with his little plastic saw going after a tree branch. I guess watching Dad cut down the tree really had an impact on him!

Mid-December we made a trip down to Dodgeville. It was a very quick trip, but Eric had to go for work and the kids and I hadn't been since March. We stopped in at Julie's to see her and Leyton's buddies from Dodgeville- Caden and Jaxson. They were so happy to see each other and took only about 2 seconds to warm up to each other again.
Cal was excited to see Julie's rocking horse:
And Caitlin! They are 2 days apart in age, and she is Caden's sister (Leyton's buddy)
We spent the night at Megan and Scott's house and the older boys were excited to play in the morning! Cal and Cecelia had their fun together too. Cal pretended to take her for a ride in Maddox's cool Jeep:
Back home, Leyton had a Christmas craft night at school that he was pretty excited about. Him and Cal got to make a lot of ornaments for their little Christmas tree in their bedroom. Leyton wanted to make every one they had (6 total), and Cal made it through about 2 of them :)
Then he was ready for the punch and snacks they had! (That's some paint above his eye... crafting is hard work!)
After his 2 crafts and snack he was happy checking out Leyton's classroom and getting his hands on that kitchen he always wants to play with every single time we drop Leyton off and pick him up, but never gets to :)
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