Friday, October 18, 2013

6 months old!

On September 30th (or October 1st?) Fiona turned 6 months old.  She is a happy girl who loves her food, grabs and plays with toys, and can sit up unsupported.  She also loves to squeal, babble and blow bubbles.  They still say at daycare that she is an easy baby and is never fussy.  She drinks a lot more milk than the boys ever did, so that may have something to do with it :).  

Here are a few photos of her on her 6 month birthday: 

She was ready to be done with photos, but I still tried to get one with the boys.  Cal did not want to once he saw her screaming!  Leyton was a good sport though.
Ok, really time to be done now...

These pictures are from her 6 month check-up.  She was happy for the doctor and everything looked good!

Here are her 6 month stats:
Height: 27", 85%
Weight: 16.5 lbs, 50% 
Head: 42cm, 50%

She got one shot at the end and didn't even get out one cry. Her eyes started to water and I thought she was going to cry, but never did, which made it easier on me!

Random Updates

I haven't been the best about doing blog posts lately, but life has been so busy!  We are still adjusting to me working full time and getting home late, eating super, playing for a bit, and then it being bedtime before we know it.  Work is going good for Eric and I, and the kids seem to like their school/daycare.  Here are a few random updates from the past few weeks.

Leyton started flag football back in September.  It was a 6 week long program, and he seemed to really like it.  Matthew's Dad, a good from last years preschool, coached it. Cal loved to go along and watch/play at the park.
Leyton is in the red shirt:
Getting their next instructions:

Ouch!  Cal burned his foot on a mini dirt bike ride with Eric.  We went to Hudson where they wrapped it and cleaned it for us.  He was a tough guy crawling around for awhile and did just fine at daycare!  He was pretty much healed and walking on it in about 2 weeks.

 Fiona got her first tooth!  Last weekend when we got to Rice Lake for Evelyn's baptism I felt the bottom front left poking through, and it is all the way through now.  I love how cuddly she is when I get home from work.
 We had parent/teacher conferences for Leyton Wednesday this week.  His teacher said he is doing great, and is where he needs to be on everything.  She said he speaks up in discussion, but is overall quiet, and is a very good listener.  We have also heard this from his daycare teachers.  They still tell us that he is the best listener and that they never have to talk to him about behaving/following rules.  That is such a good thing to hear!  He did this puzzle the other week when Eric was traveling for work and I was in the kitchen making supper with Fiona and Cal.  He told me to come take a picture of him with the puzzle for dad, and then when I got there he pretended to be sleeping...
This was towards the end of summer.  He finally mastered those darn monkey bars!  We don't have a playground, and the last time we were at Lauren's I could tell he was watching her do them and thinking he wanted to be able to too!
He is really into writing and "reading".  He wants to know how to read so bad lately.  He will sit on the couch with one of his books and say he is going to read.  Now he tells me he wants to bring books to daycare to read during rest time.  Tonight we were working on sounding the letters out... Teachers are very patient!
 This picture is really blurry, but pretty funny.  Eric was pressure washing coolers out from Ali's wedding that he transported meat in, and Cal got carried away with pressure washing our grass. We had quit the dirt hole by our sidewalk...
 Cal is still obsessed with anything farm, especially his farm books.  He has 3 farm books that are his favorites and will look at them over and over and over again...

And his smiles are pretty intense sometimes. :)   He was helping me feed Fiona in her high chair this night (ignore the dirty face).  It is his new favorite thing to help me with!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fiona & Food!

A couple weeks ago Fiona got her first taste of food, other than milk.  She is loving her solid food and has it twice a day now.  Yesterday at daycare they said she cried when it was gone, so I sent a little extra today :).  She has loved everything she's tried so far, which has included: Butternut Squash, Acorn Squash, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Peaches, and Bananas. 

Her first taste of rice cereal:

Loving the squash:

There's that tongue again!

Fiona & Evie

These pictures were taken back in September, not that long ago, which is hard to believe considering how cold and rainy today is! Fiona was just mastering sitting up on her own and was about 5 months old.  Hard to believe she is now 6 months old!
Good thing Evie was good and steady, to help hold Fiona up when she got a little wild!
Two babes, just hanging out:

And this was Fiona and Evelyn a week or so ago at my mom's house, in their matching dresses and leggings from my mom.  They are getting so big! And notice Fiona's tongue?  This is pretty much what I get lately when she is excited and smiles!  I remember each of the boys going through this 'tongue out in every smile' phase too.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Family Pictures

At the end of July we had family pictures taken.  Kacie K Photography took them, and she did a great job.  Our pictures were on a day at the end of July when it was absolutely freezing, it sprinkled on and off, and the kids were tired from being at daycare all day, and she still managed to get some of them smiling!  Here are a few of the photos:

Leyton was definitely the easiest to get photos of, being the oldest.  It gives me a little hope for easier family photos some day!

Cal occupied himself with pieces of grass or leaves most of the time:

Fiona was cold, but didn't get fussy until the end, thankfully.