Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mad City Marathon

So excited for the race to start!

It was a long, hot day in that stroller...
We surprised Dad at the race with all of our "Go Dad" props!
One of Dad's friends, Brad, lifted me up to cheer for Dad when he came by!
Dad coming up on the finish line!
That's a pretty cool Medal!

Dad ran his second marathon today in Madison. He says he feels great and can't wait for the next one- and no I'm not being sarcastic! Mom and I cheered for him at 2 different points on the course. It was a lot of walking, and a lot of time spent in the stroller, but I was a great spectator- I even clapped and cheered for some of the runners! Here are some photos from Dad's big day!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Tell your Daddy congratulations from us! That is a great accomplishment!