Wednesday, August 1, 2012

T-ball game

A couple weeks ago Leyton had his final day of T-ball, where they got to play 2 games.  Leyton was so excited to finally get to play a game!  Unfortunately it was the only day all summer that it rained for T-ball so they had to cut the last game short.  Leyton had a blast though, and had no idea they were getting trophies when they were done.  He is still so proud of his trophy!

On deck to bat.  He ran all the way to third on this hit, right past his teammate who was standing on second and never ran! 
 I loved how seriously he took his role as short stop... That's him crouching waaaay down ready for those grounders!
 Throwing the ball to first!
 Waiting to bat with his teammates:

 Cal was really interested in watching the games:

 One proud t-baller!

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