Monday, February 24, 2014

Fiona's 9 month check-up

January 9th Fiona had her 9 month check-up.  She was a happy girl for the doctor and seems to be an overall healthy, happy baby.

Here are Fiona's 9 month stats:
Height: 29" (90th %)
Weight: 19.10 lbs (75%)

She was so happy (until it was time for shots...)

This was after 2 shots and a blood draw.  She cried very hard when the nurse did the blood draw, but sat there so good with her arm in the nurses hand.  The nurse commented on how sweet she was being that she wasn't even trying to move her arm away from her!  She screamed so loud for what seemed like forever though!

And a few minutes later she was all better!  She was really preoccupied with the band-aid on her finger!

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