Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fiona's 18 month Check-up

Fiona had her 18 month check-up in October, and is a healthy and happy girl.  We were most excited about her recent graduation from Physical Therapy! Fiona started physical therapy at 10 months old when it became clear that she did not like to bear weight on her legs/feet.  We had a great physical therapist who Fiona adored.  She would visit Fiona once a week at daycare and work on various things with her to get her more comfortable on her feet, and get her walking.  Fiona started walking at 17 months, so it was great to go to her 18 month check-up with the good news for her pediatrician!  Now she pretty much runs everywhere :).

Fiona's 18 month stats:
Weight: 26.8 lbs, 95%
Height: 90%

Shots are the worst:
 After her appointment we headed up to Rice Lake for the weekend, since Eric was out of town for work and the kids love playing together.  Fiona was so excited to see Evelyn!

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