Tuesday, November 1, 2011


As you know, I'm super behind on blog posts... So I'm finally trying to get semi-caught up, but I have a long way to go! About a month or so ago, when we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house they surprised Leyton by having his 4-wheeler working! It hadn't worked pretty much since we got it, so grandma ordered some parts, got a new battery, and grandpa and Aunt Kelly & Tina got it running! Leyton is in LOVE. He feels pretty special giving all the cousins rides too! Taking Maggie and Ella for a spin!Not related to 4-wheelin', here's a photo of Cal enjoying a go-gurt. He ALWAYS wants Leyton's, so he was pretty excited when he finally got one himself! And just a goofy picture of my happy guy enjoying some tacos!

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