Thursday, June 13, 2013

2 month check-up

On June 3rd Fiona had her 2 month check-up.  Everything checked out good and she seems to be a healthy, happy baby.  She even demonstrated her tricks for our pediatrician- smiling and cooing!
At two months Fiona is a very easy baby.  She still sleeps a lot, and likes to eat a lot...  I am pretty sure she looks bigger than her older cousin Evelyn already!  She has started sleeping really great at night, which I am hesitant to even say, for fear that I may jinx it ;)  She gets up twice a night to eat now, which is much better than the every two hours on the dot!

Fiona's two month stats are:
Height: 22 3/4", 50%
Weight: 11.7lbs, 50%
Head: 39cm: 75%

 Cal likes helping the Dr. check out his sister:
 Showing off her band-aid from her first shot.  She screamed harder and longer than I ever remember the boys crying, and seemed pretty sad the rest of the evening :(

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