Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Here's looking at you, Cal

Someone may have pointed out to me that Cal hasn't been getting as much love on the blog as his siblings lately, and I feel terrible about that!  Has middle child syndrome started already!?  Well Cal, I promise it wasn't intentional, and I'll try my best to make sure you get equal blog time too, especially since you're so darn cute with your giant "cheese" face! 

This week Cal got a shot at the Dr. in Hudson.  It was the big MMR shot, and he handled it like, well like Cal :). He started his heartbreaking big teddy bear cry as soon as I set him on the table- shot wasn't even ready yet.  I had to hold him down, and he cried for a bit afterwards.  I must say though, he definitely recovered more quickly than last time, thank goodness!
 These pictures were obviously taken before the shot:
 Cal is the complete opposite of Leyton in many ways, especially when it comes to food.  Leyton doesn't love meat, but Cal does.  Leyton will ask for veggies and dip at every meal practically, and Cal has a very select group of veggies he'll actually try to eat.  He does however love his fruit, which makes sense since this guy is a total sweets guy! I think if you ask he'll more than likely tell you ice cream is one of his favorite foods :)
 And this is his sour face.  Does this pretty much every time he eats a strawberry, blackberry, etc. :) 
Love you Cal!

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