Monday, June 7, 2010

Leyton has a surprise!

Yes, its true, Leyton's going to be a big brother! I am so excited to say that we are expecting another baby this year! (mom is taking over this post by the way :)) I am just over 15 weeks now, and feeling good. Its amazing how quickly you forget how awful you felt for the first 11 weeks or so! We are due on November 25th, Thanksgiving! I'll keep you updated on how things are going, and any info we may have... including if its a boy or a girl hopefully! Eric mentioned not finding out this time around, but I'm not sure I can do it. Maybe we could be one of those couples where one knows and the other doesn't? Not sure I could trust myself not to slip though!

Leyton has been pretty funny about it. We haven't talked about it much, b/c I know how long 25 more weeks seems to me, let alone a 2 year old, but every once in awhile out of the blue he says "mommy baby tummy" and laughs, or grins. Or he will randomly say "baby brother" (pretty sure this is because the 3 year old at daycare just had a baby brother about a month ago- and not that he's actually saying he'd prefer a brother over a sister!). And my favorite thing is whenever we have asked him should we name a baby brother this or a baby sister that, no matter what the name is he tries to repeat it and then goes "Yep" so serious it just kills me. Listening to how the names come out is pretty funny too- some are unrecognizable,and others are actually pretty good! Maybe we should take that as a hint ;).
Ok, I think that's all for now, enough of my rambling.

A few of the "out-takes"
More interested in the baseball glove...

1 comment:

Amy Springer said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited! I think Leyton will be a great big brother. Do you have any gender vibes? Keep me updated on whether or not you find out!! I'm dying to know. I have a boy vibe right now for you.